Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacy in the Bilingual and ESL Classroom


  • Dulce Gomez Texas Woman's University
  • Eileen Turcios Texas Woman's University
  • Isaac ArreolaRamirez Texas Woman's University
  • Victor Lozada Texas Woman's University
  • Jorge Figueroa Texas Woman's University


critical pedagogy, critical literacy, teacher education, bilingual education, ESL education, critical consciousness


The purpose of this paper is to examine critical pedagogy and critical literacy as it relates to bilingual and ESL education. We focus on Freire's (2018) ideas in the classroom and the extent to which they can effect change in the educational system. In brief, critical pedagogy in the classroom is a method of addressing social issues in which students evaluate their perspectives on injustice and authority. On the other hand, critical literacy is based on Freire and Macedo's (1987) theoretical concepts and language, and it uses written texts to critique the social creation of knowledge. Finally, this paper gives classroom activities for English Language Learners to develop critical pedagogy and critical literacy, which teachers can use to apply critical pedagogy to the classroom for the development of critical consciousness.


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How to Cite

Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacy in the Bilingual and ESL Classroom. (2021). TWU Student Journal, 1(1), 55-67.