Information For Authors

Authors will need to register with the journal using their TWU email address prior to submitting. If already registered, authors can simply log in.

We accept submissions on a rolling basis, meaning that you can submit at any time. This will affect the issue in which your work is published, if accepted.

In order to qualify for consideration, first authors must be current TWU students OR no more than one year post-graduation from TWU.  We encourage students to collaborate with faculty, in which case a) students should still be listed as lead authors, and b) faculty status and department should be disclosed. 


To acquire original scholarly works from all the academic disciplines at TWU.  The works submitted can be diverse in research nature, academic discipline and include a wider range, such as research/ empirical studies, case studies, research reviews, meta-analysistheoretical and applied research articles 

However, it's important that you consider the interdisciplinary nature of the journal. People from other disciplines will not necessarily understand terminology you use that may be in common use within your own discipline. You are asked to use footnotes or explanations in the main text to define or explain such terms in language suitable to these readers. 

Manuscripts should be organized as follows:


STRUCTURED ABSTRACT: (100-300 words)Abstracts can vary quite a bit, but generally, you want to provide readers with a good overview of what you are discussing. If it’s research, make sure your research question(s) are listed here, and your methods, followed by findings and conclusions. If it is not research, you’ll still want to describe what your paper is about. What will readers learn from your paper? Here’s an example.

BODY OF PAPER (1500-3000 words- not including abstract and bibliography): Consult the style manual of your discipline (Chicago, APA, etc.) for help with formatting and style. 

INTRODUCTION: Provide a concise overview of the study, including research questions, population or problem, problem statement. 

LITERATURE REVIEW: Explain the need for research based on prior work.  

METHODS: Clearly explain the process of gathering appropriate and sufficient information to answer research questions. The process may be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods, but it should be replicable based on the provided information. Include mention of human subjects approval, if appropriate.

Include, as an appendix, survey questions, or other information needed for replicability. 

FINDINGS: Clearly explain the process of analyzing findings, using figures and/or tables (no more than 2) to illustrate results. Additional links to data should be listed in the article, as appropriate. 

CONCLUSION: Discuss the implications of findings and suggestions for future research. Be transparent about assumptions, possible bias, and weaknesses of design or processes: no research is perfect! 

Bibliography (or Works Cited)

  1. In-text citations
  2. End of work citations
  3. Consult the style manual of your discipline (Chicago, APA, etc.) for help with formatting 

Submission Format

  • Submit as .rtf, .doc, or .docx file
  • Figures and Tables (if needed, submitted as .png files)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12 point Ariel or Times New Roman font
  • 1” margins top, bottom, and sides

When submitting a manuscript, provide the following:

  • First and last names of all authors
  • Email address for the submitting author
  • Discipline (department) of each author
  • Please DO NOT include this information in the manuscript document. Provide this information within the submission form.

Papers will be evaluated by TWUSJ co-editors and faculty, according to the following criteria:

Originality, Impact, Relevance, and Quality.

Originality: are these new ideas?  Impact: how significant will this be for your field?  Relevance: are you citing the relevant literature?  Quality:  make sure you are writing clearly! All submissions will be checked with Turnitin to verify originality. 

If your submitted work is derived from, or is the result of, an assignment, thesis, or dissertation, you are welcome to submit. However, you must include a statement about this in your manuscript, describing the circumstances. 


All works in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

Register and Submit your work here!

Questions?  Contact Adrian Shapiro at