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Navigating the Risks of Artificial Intelligence Foundation Models in Healthcare: How Health Systems Can Respond


  • Warren Poquiz TWU Student - MHA Program


Foundation Models, Healthcare AI, Healthcare Management, AI Governance


Foundation Models (FMs) have unveiled a new phase in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era, characterized by significantly larger datasets and massive computational power. This analysis examines the applicability of FMs in the healthcare sector and how their advanced functionalities, such as in-context learning, can enhance overall organizational performance by increasing efficiency, accuracy, and predictability. However, the rapid advancement of AI models, combined with insufficient regulatory oversight, poses significant risks to patients and Healthcare Organizations (HCOs), including privacy breaches, adversarial attacks, model opacity, and algorithmic biases. To address these risks, this paper proposes a three-layer governance structure for HCOs based on the hourglass model for AI governance.



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How to Cite

Navigating the Risks of Artificial Intelligence Foundation Models in Healthcare: How Health Systems Can Respond. (2024). TWU Student Journal, 3(1).