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Mandatory Meals and Rest Periods for Texas Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals

A Brief on The Intersection of Research and Ethics


  • Anh Tuyet Le Texas Woman's University PhD Nursing Program; MD Anderson Cancer Center


Law, Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate, Hospital, Quality of Health Care, Bills


Despite working in a mentally and physically challenging environment, no protection is defined in state or federal laws to mandate nutrition and rest periods. This ethical dilemma puts nurses’ health and patients’ safety in jeopardy. If the nurse takes a break, it might prevent continuous, uninterrupted patient care. However, if the nurse does not take a break, she jeopardizes her health and the patient’s safety. Similarly, allied health professionals have experienced the same conundrum. This brief will discuss research that supports mandatory nutrition and rest periods and the research that supports the safety and wellness of patients, nurses, and other allied health professionals in Texas.


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How to Cite

Mandatory Meals and Rest Periods for Texas Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals: A Brief on The Intersection of Research and Ethics. (2024). TWU Student Journal, 3(1).