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African International Student Representation in the Literature: A Scoping Review


  • Ijeoma Azike-Muolete Texas Woman's University


African international student, Scoping review, Mental health


International student enrollment has steadily increased since the 1960s, and international students can be found in colleges and universities across the United States. African international students are a subset of this population, and this scoping review examines the extant literature to explore what is known about the experiences of African students in U.S. universities and, the implications of those findings. We identified three themes including racism and racial identity, social capital/network, and resiliency factors of this population.

Key words: African international student, scoping review, mental health, resiliency factors.



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How to Cite

African International Student Representation in the Literature: A Scoping Review. (2024). TWU Student Journal, 3(1).